A local grandfather is now into day three of a 22-day long attempt to shatter a cycling world record, but he'll have to overcome some possibly record-setting heat in order to do it.

Arvid Loewen is attempting to set the world record for the fastest time cycling 10,000 km. The current record was set by Guus Moonen from the Netherlands at 22 days, 15 hours and 34 min. That means an average of 441.7 km per day, which Loewen came just under for day two as temperatures soared to 31 degrees with high humidity. He is ahead of the average, though, thanks to a strong start on day one.

Loewen is cycling a loop of Henderson Highway just north of the Perimeter Highway, to Lockport and back. On Wednesday the temperature for Winnipeg is forecasted to be 31 degrees with a humidex of 35 degrees. The record for the highest temperature on June 30 was set in 1970 at 32.2 degrees.

To make things more difficult, Wednesday will be one of the cooler days over the course of the next few days. By Friday, and through the weekend, temperatures are expected to reach between 35 and 37 degrees, with lots of sunshine. Temperatures for the start of next week are expected to be in the high 20s.

Whether he sets a record or not, Loewen takes on these cycling challenges to raise funds and awareness for Mully Children's Family, an orphanage in Kenya. Last year he was successful in setting the record for the furthest distance cycled in a month, which was his second world record.