Growing up in today's world, children face pressures that generations before never had to deal with.

On Saturday, May 25, Kristen Schulz, interim camp director for Calvary Temple Camp, set out on a 1,300-kilometre trek, from Winnipeg to Calgary, to not only experience these same feelings and obstacles but also to raise funds to help send kids to camp.

"I've worked with kids my whole life, and when I look at what kids are facing today, the things that they're going through, I see more anxiety and depression," said Schulz.  "There's increasing isolation and loneliness." 

Schulz says during this bike tour she will likely experience many of the emotions young people face. 

"I did bike to Calgary in 2020 and most of the way I had a headwind in my face," said Schulz. "I kept thinking, I know how fast I can go. I know I'm capable of this. If I didn't have resistance in my face, I could go. I could be free.  I could do this. I learned so much from that experience. The ride for me serves as a reminder of what kids are going through, and it changes the way I lead." 

The entire ride is expected to take ten days. Schulz hopes to raise at least $10,000 to send kids to camp. 

"The camp experience (being in nature, making new friends, away from the constant pull of technology and social media, learning new skills while taking chances and risks in a safe supportive environment) offers innumerable benefits," said Schulz. "These are lessons that are invaluable to our children today!"

Anyone interested in helping or donating can check out Kristen's GoFundMe page or contact Calvary Temple at 204-943-4551.