The first section of the Nestaweya River Trail is finally open for skating at the Forks.

Warm weather and a deluge of water from the United States delayed the opening, making this the latest the trail has ever opened. 

Before that, the latest the trail has ever opened was on Jan. 21 back in 2016. Last year the trail opened on Jan. 1 and remained open for 72 days, closing in mid-March.

Crews have been working around the clock testing and clearing the ice. Currently, only the Port Rink located on the Assiniboine River in the Forks Historic Port is ready and safe for public access. 

The Forks says the ice is tested daily and asks guests to adhere to all signage on the trail.

"Only the open section(s) are deemed safe, and it is not advisable to go on any other parts of the rivers," said The Forks in a press release.

Visitors can find more information about the condition of the Nestaweya River Trail on The Forks' website.