Hundreds of women will be gathering next month to "reconnect" with Christ.

Women of Integrity founder Esther Bissell  created the workshops to "empower, encourage, and support women in their walk with God."

She found that some women have difficulty connecting to the church because of things happening in their personal lives.

"Sometimes people go to church and people gossip about them," Bissell says. " Or they are having relationship problems and people in the church are not as understanding."

Women of Integrity started when Bissell and a few friends travelled to the United States to listen to a speaker. Bissell notes how expensive it was to travel and decided to bring speakers to Winnipeg, and has been since 2017. Conferences are hosted two or three times a year.

"God is creating an army of women to pray."

The speakers discuss issues that women are concerned with such as building confidence, learning how to grow your faith, and overcoming hardship. The conferences attract hundreds of people, with one of its events gathering close to a thousand women. 

"I think women are emotional. We fall in love with Christ in a different way." Bissell  says ."He makes us feel worthy and gives us value."

The conference is nondenominational making it easier for people to gather. Women from all over the province and from different churches are drawn to the event.

Bissell  says "God is creating an army of women to pray."

The next conference is happening on February 8.  The speaker, Sharon Jaynes, will be discussing how to "live an adventurous faith of bold believing"

Bissell also adds that Women of Integrity is a non-profit organization run by volunteers. She says the money from ticket sales goes towards the logistics of the event and paying the speaker to come to Winnipeg.

"It's a lot of work," Bissell says. She also adds that one of her favourite ways to prepare for the conference is when she bakes all of the muffins two days before the event.

She says all the hard work "to make sure women have the best experiences ever" is worth it when she sees women worshiping together.