First responders are rolling up their sleeves this summer to donate blood.

The Canadian Blood Services, along with members of Winnipeg Police Services, Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Services, STARS Air Ambulance, RCMP and Manitoba Justice, kicked off the start of their Sirens For Life (SFL) campaign.

Mike Choi, Territory Manager for Candian Blood Service in Winnipeg, says, "Sirens For Life is an annual partnership between Canadian Blood Services and Emergency First Responders in the city. In their day-to-day lives, and through the great work that they do, they often see the need for blood first hand. During the month of July ... they decide to go above and beyond and also support them [patients] through blood donation as well.

"It is very invigorating for our donors to see these first responders donate blood alongside them. ... Our regular blood donors will see uniformed first responders making blood donations, and also first responders in the province are encouraging folks to join them in ensuring that we're able to keep a strong inventory during the summer months here in Manitoba."

Choi says this campaign is meant to remind and inspire donors and those interested in donating to get involved. "It's a good reminder that during the summer months, our regular donors, their schedules typically change. They're on vacation, taking holidays, they're out at the lake with friends and family, and blood donation is not always top of mind."

"The need for blood doesn't take a holiday. It reminds folks to book their appointment this summer as well."

At the kick-off for the campaign, on William Avenue in Winnipeg, Choi says a special speaker was in attendance: "Brittany was in a terrible collision with a train while in her car. She used the STAR ambulance service and she also used the blood that was available to her. ... Without the blood our generous Manitoba donors provided for her, she wouldn't be around. So she was here encouraging folks to give blood because she wouldn't be here if it weren't for them."

Choi emphasizes that there is only a small amount of very dedicated donors adding to Manitoba's blood inventory: "Only 4% of the eligible population in Canada donates blood. Here in Winnipeg, specifically, only 2.6% of eligible Winnipeggers donate blood.

"In July and August, we typically see a donor appointment deficit... On the other side of that too, we typically see the need for blood go up just because we tend to see more highways traumas. ... This is another reason why it is so important to get new folks on board donating blood. Through our Sirens For Life program, we hope to do that."

To find out if you are eligible to donate blood, visit for information and to make an appointment.