Christmas is usually a time of celebration and family, but it can also be quite stressful and at times, a challenge for a persons mental health.

Dr. Andrea Piotrowski, Clinical Psychologist with the Clinical Health Psychology Program in the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority says, it is important to be realistic, and to put things into perspective.

"Take a look at what is on your list of expectations. Is is about getting everything done and having all of the perfect decorations, or is just about getting enough done and enjoying the festivities without the pressure."

Piotrowski encourages people to take a step back, take a deep breath, get some fresh air and deal with how they are feeling.

"What is the worst that is going to happen? Is it going to be a big deal if I don't complete my task? If we look at it in a more realistic perspective, then it won't be as difficult or stressful to deal with," said Dr. Piotrowski.

When it comes to grieving the loss of a loved one during this time of year, Dr. Piotrowski says to share those memories with those that are close.

"Volunteering at a charity, or simply helping someone out can be a really healing activity."

If a person does find that the way they are feeling is affecting their daily life, it is at this point that they should seek out help from a professional.

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Blue Christmas and Longest Night services in Winnipeg