Today's Church invites you to ignite your faith this weekend.

Ther lead pastors of Today's Church, Danrey and Christie Amoyo, have lived through time of struggle and personalyl found it hard to have faith.

Now, after miraculous healings of themselves and births of their children, they have seen the power faith in God has on our lives.

Today's Church, at nearly eight years old, started in their basement with just a few in their congregation.

Danrey says he fought God's call to start this church at first. While he was a youth pastor with a successful and growing group of teens, God kept calling him to leave that position and step out in faith towards a new journey.

"I actually said no," says Danrey. "Then, finally, through so many different events in life, God finally got a hold of me and I said, 'Okay, Lord, I'm going to do it'."

Faith has really changed our lives

Since the beginning of Today's Church, the Amoyo family has always lead and worked alongside one another.

Christie Amoyo says, "We keep talking about what a great team we have become. you don't start like that ... being in ministry now together, working together every day, we've got to be a great team."

Faith Alive

The Faith Alive Conference began a couple of years ago when the Amoyos found that the Winnipeg's church needed to be equipped to live their faith out boldly.

Danrey says, "In life, there are so many things we look at and say that we cannot do that. ... But God says it is not about you, but what God can do through you.

At the conference, with speakers Pastor Scott Willis of Encounter the Flames Ministries, and Pastor Gary Keesee, Pastor at Faith Life Church in Ohio, The Amoyos hope to see people challenged and lives changed.

This free conference, on September 13 to 15, is for anyone and everyone says Pastor Danrey: "Everyone should be coming. Honestly, we would love to see everybody's lives changed."

We equip them with the Word and then we begin to ignite their faith because, with faith, anything is possible.