Kanye West is in the spotlight once again for all the wrong reasons after the former Jesus-loving singer announced that he wanted to start a pornography studio.

"Right when I heard about it my first reaction was just, 'No! Don't do it.'" says former porn-star Brittni De La Mora in a video interview on CBN. "I think that Kanye is such a creative genius. I believe that his gifts are given to him by God and it’s devastating to see him wanting to use his gifts to serve Satan and not God. It’s really heartbreaking."

Before completely deleting his X account, West announced that he would be working with a longtime porn entertainer Mike Moz to launch a platform for pornographic content. West faced significant backlash for the announcement which led to him deleting the account. 

West released an album centred on his Christian faith in 2019 called Jesus is King. In past interviews he opened up about the harmful effects porn had on his life, making this announcement even more harrowing for fans. 

"Playboy was my gateway into full-blown pornography addiction," West shared in an interview with Apple Music’s Zane Lowe. "My dad had a Playboy left out at age five, and it’s affected almost every choice I made for the rest of my life. From age five, to now having to kick the habit. And it just presents itself in the open, like it’s okay. And I stand up and say, you know, it’s not okay."

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In 2022 before the dad of four finalized his divorce to Kim Kardashian, he shared how porn "destroyed" his family. West also admitted that in the past his faith in Jesus gave him the help to "beat things that had a full control of me."

For eight years De La Mora found herself trapped in the porn industry. She found faith in Jesus and left the industry. Now she shares her faith on different platforms. 

"It’s definitely taken a toll on him," De La Mora said. "That is so traumatic, for a five-year-old to see those types of images. And then the fact that it was left untreated, unprocessed. And so he continued watching pornography. And we know that studies show that pornography affects the brain the same way that cocaine does, so it releases the same dopamine in the receptors."

For people who were initially inspired by West's conversion and pursuit of Jesus, De la Mora says it's proof of how dangerous it is when people put their hope in any human being. She goes on to talk about the importance of people placing their faith in God alone. 

"We have to be so careful when our heart is broken to process with God and to process with the right people," says De La Mora. "Too often, when our heart’s broken, we want to isolate, and you’re actually never really alone; you’re processing with the enemy when you sit in isolation. And I believe that’s what happened with Kanye."

De la Mora understands the temptation to return to a life of sin as the first time she quit the porn industry, she went right back. It was setting clear boundaries and incorporating new, healthy habits that allowed her to stay out of the industry for good. Some of the healthy habits De la Mora talks about are reading the Bible, serving others, and praying. De la Mora is also the author of A Call to Purity.

"When I quit the adult industry the second time, I deleted — I had hundreds of thousands of followers across social media platforms — I deleted everything, because I knew that I wanted to be sold out for Christ, and I could not have that temptation [at my fingertips]."

Further separating himself, West went as far as coining himself as 'the new Jesus' in his latest record, Vultures 1, saying he's his own god. 

"I think that it is dangerous to platform people when they first give their life to Christ," says De la Mora. "[I] think that there should be a sacred period where we just let people grow in the Lord before we share what God is doing in their lives."