For Pastor Isaac Liu, life was anything but normal growing up.  

He was born to Christian parents in China and before he was even born, his family was labeled an enemy of the state.

"My father was a pastor," said Pastor Liu. "He spent over 10 years in Chinese prison and my uncle spent 25 years in prison."

Liu says on his parent's wedding day, police came to his door and took his father away. 

"For the first four to five years, my mom was alone and waiting for my father's return. When he did return, my mom became pregnant, and in the seventh month of pregnancy, a policeman came again to our house and told my mom to abort the baby."

Not knowing what else to do, Liu's mother set up an appointment at the abortion clinic. She prayed day and night asking God to save her baby.

"One day before the abortion, I was born at home, two months earlier than expected," said Pastor Liu. "I was born weighing 1.2 kilograms but I'm still alive. God is good. God is faithful, and so is this story."

It wasn't until Issac was four years old that he first met his father. 

"I still remember a little bit," said Pastor Liu. "It was late in the night. My father had been released from prison. He came home, and I was very afraid because I saw a stranger come to our house. I tried hiding behind my mom until she told me he was my father."

Today, Issac Liu is the pastor of All Nations Church in Frankfurt Germany. 

"In the last 15 years, I think I have visited almost 500 churches in different cities and villages only in Germany," said Pastor Liu. "I love to preach the gospel. I love spending time with people and just doing my part in the kingdom."

Pastor Liu will visit Canada for the first time this month, where he will speak at First Baptist Church in Portage la Prairie on May 17 at 7 p.m.  

The event is free. However, a love offering will be taken. 

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