The newest Stirling John song has a long history leading up to it.

What all started as a performance for Edmonton's longest serving female police officer, Stirling John got his hands on the song, 'Every Day.'

"We had to record this song because it's so applicable to my life." Stirling shared, referring to his job as a police officer. "Sometimes, you're tired. It's a song that will connect with many people who are going through the daily grind and finding it hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel."

Between his time being a police officer, creating music, and being a father, saying his schedule is full is an understatement, but he wouldn't have it any other way.

"I'm a single dad of two kids and I try to always make sure I'm juggling my work with my family life since my time with my kids is most important," John emphasized. On the days off, I spend with my kids." 

So when he is working, there's a lot of back and forth happening.

"For instance, today, I'm going to be working nights so I'll drive to Calgary at 6 a.m. record and get back to Edmonton around 3-4 p.m., sleep for an hour and a half, and then work a night shift until 6 a.m. the next morning. I've been doing it this way for the last few years, this way it doesn't interfere with my time with my kids," he continued.

Which makes the lyrics of the song, even more applicable to him and his life.

"There are times where you're just driving to work and you're thinking those early mornings never did come easier, getting going right before the sun. The lyrics of the song always come back," John shares.

To help with the long days, Stirling turned to energy drinks to keep up.

"It was over two years ago, I drank a lot of energy drinks to get through the days and I loved Redbull. My daughter said, 'Dad, you're drinking a lot of Redbull, maybe it's not a good idea, you should probably stop.'  I felt like I was addicted to Redbull," he said sharing how that prompted making a promise to not drink energy drinks again. 

"It was tough for about six weeks," as he realized that he was relying on them to get through the long days. 

You can watch the full interview with Stirling below.