The Chinese government has banned online retailers from selling Bibles, furthering the country's control over Christianity.

Local Chinese pastor Sandy Hung, from Winnipeg Chinese Mennonite Church, says the news is extremely frustrating, especially with the recent growth Christianity has seen in China

"It impedes God's marvellous work and limit(s) the Chinese people's access to trustworthy versions of the Bible," Hung said.

Over the past few decades, Hung says Christianity has exploded in China due to the massive population. With the increasing regulations, Christianity may significantly change in the country over the next few years.

But Hung says "let us not lose heart because of things we cannot change." Instead, Hung calls us to focus on what we can do. 

First, she calls on Christians to never take our access to the Bible for granted. "Let it motivate us to cherish, read, study, live out, and spread God's Word more diligently."

Hung also says that we can feel useless in these situations, but says we need to continue praying that the true gospel will spread in China. She also says we should continue to pray that Chinese believers be delivered from persecution. 

Finally, spreading the word about such incidences to other believers is an important thing to do. Hung says Christians worldwide can pool their resources when they know about these injustices.

"May we grow in our love for the Bible, remember the people of China in prayer, and bring awareness to injustices."