Local author Matthew Brough has just released the second of what will eventually become a three part book series.

Brough has released his newest book, called Let God Be Present

"The book is a bit about my own struggle," Brough said. "I've always struggled with language that talks about us hungering after God."

He said as a pastor, that may be a little interesting to hear. But he wanted the book to follow the struggles as someone who is a follower of Jesus but doesn't feel that.

The book series started as some sermons that he had written, but he was struggling to write the book that he wanted. Brough wrote a couple of fantasy fiction novels for middle school kids by finding inspiration in his daughter.

"Finding that motivation with my daughter I think was the key," Brough said. "I sort of feel like I really do have something to say and share with others."

His new book is only available as an e-book, but his first book, Let God Be God, is available in paperback as well.