It was likely an April Fool's joke, but there's nothing funny about an online post that is being widely circulated online.

The image allegedly shows a screenshot of the City of Winnipeg's emergency information webpage, with an announcement made on March 31, 2020.

The image states that the City of Winnipeg will be enforcing a curfew beginning April 13. It says that "Acting in accordance with the advice of health experts and taking their instructions seriously, the City of Winnipeg will be instantiating a city-wide curfew effective midnight (12:00 A.M.) on Monday, April 13, 2020."

Jeremy Davis from Mayor Brian Bowman's office says the image "was not produced by the City of Winnipeg and is absolutely false."

Davis encourages people to check the City's official page on the COVID-19 pandemic at

'Adding confusion and stress'

A Winnipeg pastor who alerted CHVN to the image says he received it in a chat group.

The pastor was discouraged saying such misinformation is "Adding confusion and stress to many netizens (users of the internet)."

For the latest and factual information in relation to COVID-19 users can see CHVN's COVID-19 info page here.

The full image that is circulating is shown below with an added watermark.
