The North End Family Centre is searching for a new executive director after the current executive director and founder has decided the time was right for him to leave.

"Recently I sumbitted my resignation," Kyle Mason said. "I still love this ministry . . . and I'm really excited for this ministry."

Mason says that the decision was made over a long period of time, through prayer with his family. He decided the time to move on was now.

"I've always had the desire to grow a ministry that would outgrow me, outlast me, and probably outlive me," Mason said. "The time to step aside has come, and I feel good about it."

Mason started the NEFC eight years ago after praying and talking with the community for a year. He says that he should have gone down a different path as a young Indeginous man with a single parent hosuehold and low income, but instead found a local church youth group which sent him on a different path.

"I found hope and belonging . . . and it sent me on a different path," Mason reminiced. "Nine years ago I felt a calling to do something in my neighbourhood."

Spending time figuring out what the community wanted and needed was an important step for Mason. Because of the research he put into it, he says the goal of the mission hasn't changed.

"From day one, anything that we have done . . . has always been done after much listening for the community," Mason stated."I never wanted this ministry to be done at them, I wanted it to be done with them."

Mason doesn't have a plan for the future right now, but is looking at some other opportunities and is excited about what the future might hold. He said he never wanted to be the leader who stuck around longer than needed and felt strongly like this was the time to leave.

He will be sticking around until the Board picks a new Executive Director and Mason has a chance to train that person, which may be until Christmas, according to Mason.

Mason also says that he is planning to support the North End Family Centre (NEFC) both financially and by volunteering as it continues on.

The North End Family Centre's mission is to "serve the North End of Winnipeg by providing a safe community gathering place that allows families to connect and belong," according to their website.