Officers believe one suspect is connected to multiple gas station robberies and an armed robbery at a Deacons Corner restaurant.

RCMP believes one suspect is responsible for the robbery of a vehicle which was later found engulfed in flames, a Deacons Corner restaurant robbery, and three gas station robberies.

On Monday at around 10 a.m., Steinbach RCMP was told that a victim's 2010 Honda Civic was stolen from his property on 1st Street West in Steinbach.

On Wednesday, that vehicle was seen at a Lorette gas station. At around 9:40 a.m. the vehicle, driving by a male suspect in his 20s wearing a black toque, mask and a hoodie, filled up the vehicle with gas. He then went into the store to get cigarettes and other consumable items. The suspect left without paying for anything.

Forty minutes later in Tourond on Highway 59, the suspect went to a second gas station. Entering with a firearm, the suspect was now wearing a mask, a blue jacket, and grey sweatpants. He demanded cash, received it, and left in the same stolen vehicle.  St Pierre Jolys RCMP was called.

suspect picPolice believe a suspect changed clothing between robberies. (RCMP Manitoba/Supplied)

At around 3 p.m., the same suspect and vehicle were seen at a Deacons Corner restaurant, now using a firearm to demand cash.

An hour and 45 minutes later, a vehicle off of Highway 1 on Municipal Road 29 E in the RM of Tache was spotted on fire. Emergency crews were called. Police believe the vehicle on fire is the stolen Civic.

Authorities are reaching out to the public, hoping to identify the suspect. They are asking people to call the RCMP East District CREST unit at 204-482-9699.