The Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) was given a great review by His Royal Highness in Angola.

While visiting an active minefield in Dirico, southern Angola Prince Harry met with members of HALO Trust and MAF.

Between 1975 and 2002, an estimated 10 million landmines were laid all over the country for maximum destruction during the war, encircling communities and endangering roads.

HALO Trust began clearing landmines in ANgola in 1994. Reportedly, over 100,000 landmines have been removed to date, but HALO considers their work far from finished.

MAF, a Christian charity that provides flights and medical attention to people in remote areas, provide flights to the HALO team to help them clear the landmines.

Marjin Goud, a MAF pilot working in Angola, met with Prince Harry.

The Duke of Sussex told Goud: "HALO could not do it without you, thanks!"

As part of his visit to the active minefield, Prince Harry donned body armour and remotely detonated a landmine to remove it from the field. He then visited Huambo, the site that his mother Princess Diana was famously photographed in wearing similar body armour in 1997.

Since his mother's visit to the site, there are now homes, shops, and paved roads where mines once threatened habitation.

The remnants of war continue to put Angolans at risk as they travel, work the ground for farming and walk around their communities.