Salem Home in Winkler is raising money for more wheelchair accessible lawn swings. Staff say the swings have a unique ability to unlock memories and open up even the most closed off residents.

"Sometimes residents get on there and they start talking when they haven't been communicative before," Director of Resident Care Services, Marilyn Nelson says. "They'll tell stories, sing swinging songs, things we didn't even know. It's just amazing."

Nelson, says their two wheelchair accessible swings often draw a line-up. However, the Ladies Auxiliary saw the need to enhance the lives of Salem residents and have begun raising money for additional swings.

"Seeing the residents' enjoyment is amazing," says Hilda Friesen, Ladies Auxiliary President. "So it's our goal to bless the residents with another swing or two."

Each swing costs around $9,000.

"We're truly blessed the Ladies Auxiliary has caught onto this," Nelson says. "We just see the smiles."