A Winnipeg foodbank has seen a record number of people in need this week, including people who have a place to call home. 

"The last couple of days we've been absolutely inundated with people coming to our door," says General Manager Dave Feniuk of Agape Table. "We're seeing newcomers, we're seeing the refugees, and we're still seeing a lot of the marginalized community." 

Before COVID Agape Table served roughly 200-250 bagged lunches a day to people in need. Yesterday, Feniuk said they broke a record when they served 924 people in a four-hour period. 

"People are coming through explaining that they have money for rent and utilities but they don't have money for food right now. They're looking for a hand-up instead of a handout."

The food shelter has seen over 400 people already this morning and Feniuk says they're on their way to see about 900 people again by 2:00 p.m. when they close for the day. Agape Table opens at 7:00 a.m. each weekday. 

"A lot of people are also struggling with the weather, the way it has been. We're always in need of clean footwear; shoes and socks. A lot of our guests are struggling with the basic necessities such as clothing and especially socks and footwear. Most of our guests are on their feet 12-14 hours a day."

People interested in donating socks, footwear, clothing, or finances can call Agape Table at 204-783-6369 and bring it to 364 Furby Street in Winnipeg. 

"It's frustrating to sometimes see the people on the street being spit at, sworn at, and called names. Realize that that's somebody's sibling, or family member. Would you do that to your own? Show a little empathy to our guests."