Recovery after a stroke is different for everyone. Some people can return to life with no effects, some deal with physical issues, while others suffer from aphasia, which leaves them unable to speak. 

The Stroke Recovery Association of Manitoba offers a variety of programs to help stroke survivors get back on track. 

"One of the things that we do here is art therapy," said Julie Western, office and program director for the Stroke Recovery Association of Manitoba. "Art therapy is important for many different things. It's good for hand-eye coordination. It can help with creativity. It also helps survivors communicate emotions and what they're going through."

Western says each week they use new mediums to do art therapy. 

"We go through watercolours, acrylics and pastels. We also do glue gun art," she explained. "There are just different types of art that we do. Then, everyone can be creative in their own way. They all come out beautifully but in different ways."

According to Julie art therapy also gives stroke survivors a place to socialize with like-minded people. 

"A lot of stroke survivors feel lonely in their homes," said Julie. "Their families leave them sometimes after they've had a stroke. They are very isolated, so they come to the Stroke Recovery Association of Manitoba to feel a part of a group."

To celebrate the hard work of these stroke survivors, the Stroke Recovery Association of Manitoba will host a special art show later this month. 

"I think it's important for the community to get around people who struggle through different ways. It's important to show that they can still do things, be creative, and be a part of our community."

A Stroke of Art will be held from June 27 to July 6, 2024, at La Maison Des Artistes Visuels Francophones at 219 Provencher Boulevard. 

An opening reception has been planned for Thursday, June 27 at 7 p.m.