A school designed for newcomer students with education gaps was created out of faith, prayer, and community. They want you to be a part of their work. 

Freedom International School began in 2017 after a 48-hour prayer and fasting event in Winnipeg. "People came, we heard from people in the community who have endured amazing hardships. They gave us words from the scripture," Zachary Ferguson-Baird lead of prayer at the Freedom International School (FIS) says. 

Out of that event was the ask from the community of a school specifically for them. "We were contacted by a substantial number of pastors and leaders of newcomer communities and they were saying 'help us, we need a school that is not a tag-on to another school but is a school unto itself to catch our students and youth that we are losing.'" Francie Wiebe, Principal of FIS says.  

"If it speaks to your heart then come and be apart of our community." 

From then on, the school was developed and runs in Mission Baptist Church. They have around 16 students. "It is a school designed specifically for the student who has substantial gaps in their education. We have specialized in receiving newcomer youth, so students who have spent a good portion of their elementary years and teen years in refugee camps or in transit. [They] have major gaps, some children arrive never having entered a school in their lives," Wiebe says. 

The school also teaches a faith-based music program. The students have the opportunity to learn a variety of instruments including the drums, piano, bass or be a part of the choir.

They will be hosting a fundraising event this month on November 14, with singer-songwriter Don Amero and the choir will be singing with the artist. Along with prayer, this is something they hope Winnipeggers will support them with so that they can continue to provide for these youth. 

"The family-like community that we have in the people of Freedom International School has changed my life. I would invite you to come and have your lives changed. Come to one of the events, come and volunteer, come for a tour and let me share our vision. If it speaks to your heart then come and be apart of our community," Wiebe says.