The annual Salvation Army community Christmas dinner fed hundreds of people in Winnipeg's downtown last night.

"Exact numbers aren't in yet, but I think we probably had 700 plus people there last night for dinner," says Major Rob Kerr from the Salvation Army in Winnipeg. 

It was a full Christmas dinner, complete with turkey, ham, stuffing, and dessert.

Major Kerr says that they had a number of volunteers show up who made the event possible. "It was just a really fantastic time. Lots of people giving of their time. Giving their love and care for other people. And there were lots of people there who needed that and wanted to have part of that, and I think really enjoyed and received it well." Kerr says everybody from politicians to community groups came together to help make the event a success.

Events like the Christmas dinner and the Christmas season, in general, seems to really help people put into perspective what they have. "We do help all year round, but at this time of year, we are at the forefront. And I think we're at the forefront because it's the time of year when so many people start to think about what they have and how much they have and how they can help others."

The response and generosity of Winnipeggers and Manitobans is something that Kerr says is encouraging year after year. "For me when I see people coming along who are so generous with their time, their money, and their resources . . . when they drop their money in the kettle, it's very exciting for me to see that and see what happens with it."