A Winnipeg based company is recruiting refugees to help them settle in to their new lives in Winnipeg with securing jobs.

Omar Rahimi is the co-founder of Winnipeg company, Hire a Refugee. He knows the challenges first hand that new refugees face when coming to a foreign country as he was a Kurdish refugee himself back in 2001.

People who need labour work done that don't require much English call his company as Rahimi translates for the refugees. He said, "I am fluent in four languages, Kurdish, Arabic, Farsi, and English."

With Winnipeg's first major snowfall of the season, Rahimi was busy at work on Thursday with his new employees shovelling out snowy driveways and walkways in residental areas. Rahimi said the refugees aren't used to the cold Winnipeg winter but shoveling the snow will help them to deal with it.


"At one time we have about 20-25 refugees working around the City, sometimes more, sometimes less," Rahimi said. "Most of the refugees I work with right now are from Syria, Iraq, Yazidies mostly and Kurds. They've been here from one year to three years."

Within city limits and just outside, the jobs they do are snow removal, landscaping, painting, cleaning, garbge removal, and labour work.

You can contact Rahimi at Hire A Refugee at rahimiomar066@gmail.com or 204-960-5873.