Hold your horses, kids: that's the message from a school trustee regarding rumours that have been circulating about later start times for schools. 

Kids are getting excited at the idea that they might be able to sleep in on school mornings. However, Cathy Collins, a Trustee of the Winnipeg School Division, told us they haven't gotten to the implementation point just yet. 

"What I've done is put forward a notice of motion which means that we will have a debate about this," Collins said. "Then we will decide whether we want to proceed with the motion, have the administration collect the strengths and weaknesses of the idea of a later start time, and also survey parents of students that are in high school." 

Collins informed us that people are getting frustrated because they have this idea that the Winnipeg School Division has already made a decision, but they haven't.

"We are going to start talking about it," she continued, "Staff would have concerns, and students have concerns. First, we have to get this information past staff and parents."

Collins also wants to clarify that this notice of motion currently only affects high schools of Winnipeg. 

"Nothing is underway at this point. It's mostly 'can we have a dialogue about this?' . . . If [the motion] is passed, then the administration will gather this information, bring it back to the board, and then we will talk about whether we want to proceed this way."

Collins asks everyone to stay tuned on this matter to send your concerns on this topic to the Winnipeg School Division. The debate is scheduled for January 15, 2018, and is on a public agenda.