Officials are saying floodwaters in the RM of Stuartburn may have finally plateaued.

Water levels in local rivers and low spots have been rising ever since an extreme rainfall event walloped the region this past weekend, but Councillor Ed Penner is fairly certain it crested last night, only one foot away from taking out a vital bridge on Provincial Road 302.

“[Manitoba Infrastructure] had personnel there on standby all night and thus far the bridge is open, if water would’ve come up another foot they would have had to shut it down."

Though water levels may no longer be increasing in most places, Penner says the problem is far from over and the number of homes evacuated due to flooding concerns is now up to 93. He notes municipal crews will be spending much of their day today trying to open up more exits near Arbakka where 70 of those homes now sit empty. The most recent reports indicate that sixteen residences in Zhoda have also been evacuated as well as six in Lonesand and one in Gardenton.

“Our main priority is saving those homes and our secondary priority is saving people’s livelihoods,” states Penner.

Meanwhile, Chief Administrative Officer Lucie Maynard says the RM has been overwhelmed by volunteer offers since putting the request out yesterday. While she says she appreciates the gesture immeasurably, she now asks that people refrain from calling the RM office unless they need immediate assistance.