Coaches, officials, and potential leaders in Manitoban sport are headed for Gimli this weekend.

This weekend is Sport Manitoba's LeadHERship Conference.

Shannon Schade, Sport Development Officer for East Region says the conference is meant to empower and inspire women to become leaders in sport and in the community.

Unfortunately, girls tend not to continue with sport after their pre-teen years says Schade: "It's obviously one of the areas of sport that our numbers are not at an equal rate.

"We want to increase female coaching, we want to increase female athletes getting involved in sport later than age 12 or 13 - there is a really high drop-off rate after that age level."

With this year's keynote speaker, six-time Olympic medallist Cindy Klasson, the conference is a professional development opportunity designed for coaches, administrators, community leaders, and volunteers to empower and encourage young women and girls with whom they work to stay active and involved in sport.

A panel of female athletes and leaders - Michelle Sawatzky-Koop, Janet McMahon, Kirby Cote, Kathy Stoesz and Laura Fridfinnson - in sport will also be a part of Saturday's schedule.

Schade says there is a lack of available coaches in general, so encouraging women - and men - to step forward and mentor, lead, and coach young women in sport is a vital need.

"We want to encourage women and girls to remain in sport, not only as athletes but also to stay involved as coaches and potential future leaders," says Schade.

"I think it is important that we have some equality of women in sport."