With their annual Habitat build on the horizon, the University of Manitoba spent Wednesday looking for volunteers.

For the fourth year, students at the University of Manitoba Rady Faculty of Health Sciences will be volunteering on a Habitat for Humanity build project, scheduled to start June 4.

"We're building here for a variety of reasons," said Bruce Martin, a faculty member at the U of M campus.

Martin says it's a highly visible location for both staff and those passing by. It also works well for students and staff who work shifts at the hospital. Building it near the hospital gives them a chance to volunteer more hours with less effort.

"I think it's really a chance to give back," Martin explained. "But I think more than anything, it's a clear recognition of the need for housing."

The build will run for two weeks on the campus before being moved by Habitat to its final location on Flora Avenue. Students and staff at the University of Manitoba's Health Science campus have signed up to volunteer along with the eventual homeowners and people from Habitat.